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Joomla framework vs cms

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•TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.

Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping →Learn more about Documentation → I have experience with Joomla and have modified and wrote some simple Joomla extensions.

I don't have experience using one of the popular PHP frameworks (such as CakePHP), but I was thinking about using the Joomla framework because I'm familiar with Joomla. How would I use the Joomla framework for a software project instead of using regular Joomla and writing the extensions needed for it to extend it's capabilities?

Thanks! The basic idea is that you:• Get a copy of either the whole framework or just the packages you need+dependencies (from github or composer) or use the older copy that is shipped with the CMS,• Bootstrap your application (JApplicationWeb or JApplicationCli).• Write your code using the MVC structure provided.The big difference with writing a totally independent application is that you are doing just that, you need to build everything in the application whereas in the CMS there are already a lot of things in place.

(The good part of that is that you can make new code with no legacy concerns.) For example, if you look at the JIssues project you'll see that they had to think about things like authentication.

So as you would expect writing a simple application is simple, writing a complex one is complex.You can see many examples of framework applications around, ranging from the ones found in the CLI folder of your CMS installation to JIssues, and of course the three web applications in the CMS are all examples of applications on the framework. The Joomla Framework is intended (among other things) to be the platform upon which you can build a web-application.

The framework is like the frame of one of those motorcycles they build on "American Choppers." It provides the backdrop so that you can hit the ground thinking about your app without worrying about User Authentication, database connection, and a thousand other things like those that get in the way of bringing your app to its potential audience.If you're trying to extend Joomla, the current edition is what you should be using. discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for?

Browse other questions tagged php joomla frameworks joomla-extensions or ask your own question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther• Stack Overflow• Server Fault• Super User• Web Applications• Ask Ubuntu• Webmasters• Game Development• TeX - LaTeX• Programmers• Unix & Linux• Ask Different (Apple)• WordPress Development• Geographic Information Systems• Electrical Engineering• Android Enthusiasts• Information Security• Database Administrators• Drupal Answers• SharePoint• User Experience• Mathematica• Salesforce• ExpressionEngine® Answers• Cryptography• Code Review• Magento• Signal Processing• Raspberry Pi• Programming Puzzles & Code Golf•more (7)• Photography• Science Fiction & Fantasy• Graphic Design• Movies & TV• Music: Practice & Theory• Seasoned Advice (cooking)• Home Improvement• Personal Finance & Money• Academia•more (8)• English Language & Usage• Skeptics• Mi Yodeya (Judaism)• Travel• Christianity• English Language Learners• Japanese Language• Arqade (gaming)• Bicycles• Role-playing Games• Anime & Manga•more (18)• Mathematics• Cross Validated (stats)• Theoretical Computer Science• Physics• MathOverflow• Chemistry• Biology• Computer Science• Philosophy•more (3)• Stack Apps• Meta Stack Exchange• Area 51• Stack Overflow Careers •TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.

Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping →Learn more about Documentation → What kind of applications are developed using a CMS like joomla, drupal and what kind of applications are developed using frameworks.If all kind of applications can be developed in a CMS like drupal then why do we use a framework like SYMFONY? Not all kinds of applications can be build using a CMS.

A CMS isn't really suitable for building applications that aren't primarily concerned with content management. But the term "content" is loose enough for a CMS to be adapted to many applications.I was contracted to build a blog aggregation thingy in Drupal once. It wasn't the right tool. And recently I built a mobile phone application in Drupal too.

I would rather have done it in rails. A CMS is a sort of framework, but generally limited towards making websites with article/page type content with an out of the box article management system.A framework provides often used web development boilerplate code, they support:• MVC paradigm• Url parsing and handling• Templating• Better request handling Joomla & Drupal has user management via access control lists.Leaving CMS aside, you can use the user management to assist your php component that bolts into the CMS.

Thus you have a platform/framework that is being updated and patched by a broader community.the changes you make to the component can be updated from the backend of the CMS as you make them available. CMS is product (Content Management System) which allows users to publish and manage content its a solution developed in a language. Drupal and Joomla are PHP solutions of a CMS. You customize JOOMLA and Drupal to your needs for your your custom CMS Product. Frameworks are different they are coding patterns design patterns implmented together to use a language in a modularized and more maintanable way.

When i say coding patterns it can be use of Model view Controller architecute to seperate your Busnieess logic from Presentation. From my understanding, a CMS is a pre-built system that allows you to quickly add/modify content. It gives the average user enough flexibility to change what your site does by installing modules and themes.With a CMS, all the programming code is already written, and the user just inputs data for the site (pages, blog posts, whatever - see Wordpress, for example); unless, of course, you want to modify the underlying source code or create a custom plug-in for it.A framework is a system, sort of like a CMS, but grants you even more flexibility with your site as you are to write all of the code yourself.With a framework, you actually write the code to implement the web site (or whatever it is you are building), but you start with some ready-made code that defines the general structure of the software (not the site's structure, mind you) and which usually provides many functions/methods for handling typical coding tasks.

The idea then is that the developer spends a larger percentage of his/her time on the actual "business" code and less on the detailed nuts and bolts (i.e. "framework") upon which that business logic is implemented. Check out the CodeIgniter tutorials to get a feel for what this means.If a particular CMS provides a large majority of the functionality as well as look and feel that you need, then it is probably a good solution for you (with a possible caveat being how efficient its code is and how scalable, should your site's traffic and growth require it).

But if you would need to make a lot of modifications to a CMS to get it to work the way you want, you might actually be able to develop the site more efficiently on top of a framework, so that you don't spend lots of time trying to figure out what to change and how to change it in a bunch of CMS code you did not write - also dependent on how well you know the framework you would work with instead, of course. A CMS such as joomla, can be used in order to create completely custom applications such as an ordinary framework such as Zend etc.The advantage of using a CMS is that you may use ready made modules, components and plugins as well as create your own ones and thus create a completely custom application.Joomla uses the MVC paradigm and has its own framework.

It provides really good user management (from version 1.6Why reinvent the wheel. discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php frameworks content-management-system or ask your own question. Technol•TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Many of us have come to understand Joomla!

to refer to a specific software we use, yet there are 3 different types of software available from Joomla!These are:1) The Joomla! CMS;2) The Joomla! Platform; and3) The Joomla! Framework.What are the differences? The Joomla! CMS is the product you likely know and use. It's the Content Management System which powers many sites. Usually when talking about Joomla!, we just mean the CMS.Official site: Joomla! Platform is the old underlying code which powers the CMS.

It used to be a separated project but was merged back into the CMS. The platform no longer exists as an own projectThe Joomla! Framework is a rather new project.

It's meant as a framework to power various standalone applications. It's based on the CMS code, but was modernised and improved a lot. Currently, the CMS only uses a few classes from the framework, but that is likely to raise over the time. There are also other applications like JIssues which are built on this framework.Official site: @Bakual did a good job of explaining it, but I just wanted to add that a big purpose of the Framework is to improve practices for everyone who develops extensions for the CMS.

It follows modern practices and makes it easier to write clean, testable code. I say this from the standpoint as a big proponent of the Framework (I've contributed heavily) and from the fact that I use the Joomla! CMS every day at work, and I want to make that easier.The Framework is the future! protected by Lodder Sep 26 '14 at 15:53Thank you for your interest in this question.Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?Not the answer you're looking for?

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Joomla) or a framework (p.e Yii). I tried to code something in Joomla and I found it really difficult. However, I find coding in Yii like a dream, since I've always been able to do anything. What do you think, should I stick with Yii in all web projects or should I use Joomla sometimes? CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework. CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework.I see your point, but what if I start building a site with Joomla (because the customer only wanted contents) and later the costumer changes his mind and wants a new functionality that needs to be coded? If you want to leverage your Yii knowledge and at the same time be able to work with a CMS then you have three choices (AFAIK):1) Buy a license for Craft: Join an existing open source CMS project powered by Yii.3) Roll up your sleeves and start cooking.

Yii modules/extensions makes it easy to create a ready-to-go toolset.I think that you will learn that option 3 isn't all that impossible.But I've heard good things about Craft. I always say to my clients that if they choose to use a CMS, they have to take it as is, and what i can do at most is install available plugin.I'll never write custom code for a CMS.

Maybe for Drupal, but now never I spent my time to customize a CMS, also because I think that most times the clients choose a CMS because they want spend no money. If I was to choose a CMS - not powered by Yii - I would use Bolt: is powered by Symfony/Silex.Joomla is horrible - even more cumbersome to customize/extend than Wordpress.In my very humble opinion. I think that a CMS is like a bread baking machine: easy to get into, it can be used by n00bs and pros alike.But if you change the recipe or try to make something other than bread.A framework, on the other hand, is a fully stocked kitchen Thank you for your answers.

I think I will choose option 3 "Roll up your sleeves and start cooking". Craft PRO is $299, which I find slightly expensive.What if the costumer wants an e-shop? As far as I know, there are no good Yii shops available. The best websites today are powered by easy to use content management systems (CMS) that allow you to make changes to a website without needing to touch a single line of code.If you want to get a new, powerful website online, but can’t wait around or shell out the big bucks ($3k+) required for a custom site, look no further than these three options.WordPress, Joomla and Drupal all offer great features, tons of customizaions, ease-of-use, and strong security.Oh yeah, all three are also free.Choosing the right one can be difficult because they’re all good options.But chances are, one of these three will fit your unique situation the best (whether that’s firing up a simple business website or running a fully functioning social network).Let’s see how they compare to find the perfect choice for you.

Quick Overview:• WordPress – Best choice for beginners because of it’s ease-of-use, it works especially well for small to medium sized websites, blogs and smaller e-commerce stores.• Joomla – Great for e-commerce or social networking websites, but requires a basic understanding of technical skills.• Drupal – The most difficult, but also the most powerful.

It requires a familiar understanding of HTML, CSS and PHP.CMS Comparison Chart Which one is the right for your needs? Read our in-depth review to find out. WordPressWordPress is the world’s most popular content management system.Despite it’s humble blogging beginnings, WordPress has taken the world by storm (literally), powering over over 60 millions websites today.If that’s not impressive, WordPress is also used on o ver 40% of CMS-based websites – leading the market of DIY CMS websites by a wiiiiiiide margin.Here’s why it’s so popular.• Easy to Install – Many web hosting companies (like Bluehost) offer instant, automated WordPress installs.

That means you can get a brand new website up-and-running in less than five minutes! (It takes longer to go brew a cup of coffee than it does to have new WordPress website online.)• Customizable – WordPress has significantly more plug-ins, themes and other customizations available than any other CMS. Because of it’s widespread popularity, more third-party designers and developers will create free (or relatively inexpensive) new WordPress tools to help you create/start a blog that looks like a high-dollar custom website (while only setting you back less than $100).• Free– WordPress is absolutely, no-strings-attached free to use.

And building on the last point, there are easily tens of thousands of free plug-ins and themes available to choose from. This is perfect for most beginners putting together their first site because it keeps costs down.• Community Support – If you do experience issues or have questions about your new WordPress site, you can easily tap into the millions of people already using and supporting it.

Their support forum includes helpful contributors that can answer any question you might have, within minutes, again – for free. Awesome, right?Of course, WordPress isn’t perfect and does have it’s drawbacks.Cheif among them: WordPress is an easy-to-use framework because it locks down the ability for most users to make significant visual edits (for their own good).

So you can’t make a TON of structural website changes without the help of a designer and/or developer.However, for a beginner, this is probably the most suitable platform to build a site. DrupalDrupal is the second most popular content management system available today, used by sites both large and small.It’s among the most powerful open sourced options available, which means it’s learning curve is also a bit steeper.Here’s where Drupal excels:• Technically Advanced – Drupal is the most technically advanced of these three content management systems.

Good for technical people who like to get their hands dirty.• Improved Performance – Drupal pages typically load more quickly, and have faster response times than those made with WordPress or Joomla.

Part of the reason is because it’s less resource-intensive, requiring a less expensive server or hosting setup. (However like with all CMS, adding too many third party plugins can bog down performance.)• Customizable – Drupal is easy to customize with many widely available plug-ins, themes and other configurable options to choose from. You can also edit the root files directly, perfect for those developers who need to make more significant changes.• Free – You can download the Drupal software for free, and install it on your own hosting server.Drupal is the most powerful content management system out of the box.

But with that power comes some additional difficulties for the website owner.Anyone considering Drupal should have at least a basic knowledge of HTML, PHP and other common web programming languages.

You don’t need to be an expert necessarily, but being able to troubleshoot error messages and identify code problems will be a HUGE benefit.If your website begins to gain traction, evolving beyond a simple busDesigned by software developers for software developers. Easy to Adapt. Easy to Extend.Download Composer GitHub OrganizationWhat is the Joomla!

Framework?The Joomla! Framework™ is a new PHP framework (a collection of software libraries/packages) for writing web and command line applications in PHP, without the features and corresponding overhead found in the Joomla! Content Management System (CMS). It provides a structurally sound foundation, which is easy to adapt and easy to extend.The Joomla!

Framework is free and open source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later; and is comprised of code originally developed for the Joomla! CMS™.The Joomla! Framework should not be confused with the hugely popular Joomla! CMS. It is important to remember that you do not need to install the Joomla!

Framework to use the CMS, nor do you need to install the Joomla! CMS to use the Framework. Getting StartedThe new Joomla! Framework is now available to install via Composer and you can find the list of packages on There are plenty of avenues you can explore to get started on working with the Framework.For the official docs, check out the file found in each package.

You can also review the Joomla! Framework organization on GitHub. Get the Sample ApplicationThe easiest way to get to know the Joomla! Framework is to start with the sample app.• Install Composer.• Download this sample app repository from GitHub.• Run composer install.• View in your browser.Why build a Joomla!

Framework?Separating the framework from the CMS was a big deal, and in retrospect, a smart decision. By separating the two code bases Joomla!ÂŽ can now offer the stability the CMS requires while still taking advantage of current and modern trends in PHP development.

What is the Framework good for?• Building a RESTful web services platform• Building both simple and complex command line tools• Building next generation web applicationsA great example is the issue tracker for the Joomla! CMS. Framework ArchitectureThe Joomla! Framework has also been designed for maximum flexibility. Breaking the Framework into isolated modular packages allows each package to evolve more easily than if all packages are tied to a single, large package release.Gone are the days when a PHP framework must offer anything and everything a developer needs to complete a project.

The current and widely adopted modern practice is to employ lightweight independent feature-specific packages.The Framework is distributed with Composer, and as such, allows you to include any other PHP code packages that you can install using Composer.

And that's a LOT! Take a look at to see the kind and quality of code which becomes available when using Composer for dependency management.

What does the Joomla! Framework mean for you?Whether you are a Joomla! extension developer looking to spread your wings & delve into developing standalone applications or a PHP coder looking for a stable lightweight framework for your next app, the Framework provides benefits for everyone. I am already developing Extensions for the Joomla! CMS.

Why should I consider using the Joomla! Framework?You have invested significant time & effort in learning the Joomla! way of doing things & writing extensions. You can now apply this same knowledge within a non-CMS environment because the Joomla!

Framework maintains a similar set of function, class, and method names.It's important to keep in mind other situations, such as what happens when you land a project that needs a different type of application. Or when something doesn't really fit into the website or CMS box, or the CMS is simply too much overhead. There may be times when you need a simple tool to migrate data from one Business Intelligence system to another or a lightweight RESTful service to talk to a mobile application.

These are all cases when a framework-based application will prove much more beneficial.These are only a few of the many situations where a framework based solution would work far better than attempting to shoehorn a solution into the Joomla!

CMS. The Joomla! Framework allows you to leverage all that Joomla! knowledge to build apps without the overhead of the CMS. I know PHP already. Why should I use this framework?If you are a strong coder looking for a lightweight framework that is easy to adapt and extend, you are in the right place.The Joomla!

Framework is available using Composer. This allows you to build projects from the many packages included in the Joomla! Framework as well as packages that best fit your needs from any of the other PHP frameworks that use Composer. I am a Joomla! CMS User. How will I be affected?The Joomla!

CMS and the Joomla! Framework are currently developed independently and, thus, the Framework's launch will not have an immediate impact for you. However, there are already parts of the Framework integrated into the CMS (e.g. the Dependency Injection package, aDifferences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform – Групи Google Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform Показано повідомлення 1–54 з 54 Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:06 This may be a rather naive question, but what is the difference between the Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform?

I do see the Joomla Framework as being described as being experimental, and Joomla being a Vendor in the framework. Is this just where the namespacing and the new MVC might happen, or is there more to it? The massive changes required to introduce namespacing to the platform would have huge backwards compatibility issues with the CMS, and would basically lock the CMS into the version it is using right now. So, we created the framework repo where we can make these changes and not worry about potential backlash from the CMS development community possibly mis-understanding the purpose of the change before it was ready to be presented. -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Joomla!

Platform Development" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to more options, visit [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:59 Thanks Don!

In essence, would it be safe to say that the Joomla "Framework on Github is basically a drastically newer version of the Joomla Platform?

That is, it's not a new project with new goals or serves a new purpose. Correct? Yes, that would be a good assessment. We are breaking out each of the packages into their own repo so that they can be installed via composer in any environment that needs them. Someone coding with Laravel might want to use our Github code (since it's AWESOME) but with the platform, that's not possible. With the framework, it is possible, because it's been decoupled from the other classes in the platform and is able to be used with few other requirements.Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 12:18 Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to connect the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need answering? The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you.

It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one? Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into this months JCM? This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need> answering?>> Regards,> Andrew Eddie> - free tutorials and videos on Joomla> development>>> On 1 March 2013 06:18, Matt Thomas <> wrote:>>> That sounds fantastic!

Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I look>> forward to seeing more greatness come about.>>>> Best,>>>> Matt Thomas>> Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>> Framework<>>>>> Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>>>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>>>> Framework<>Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformAndrew Eddie28.02.13 13:56 On 1 March 2013 07:49, Nick Savov <> wrote:Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one?

Thanks inadvance! On GitHub, we can't order the repos. They are automatically ordered by the latest updates.On Thursday, February 28, 2013, Nick Savov wrote:The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you.

It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one? Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into this months JCM? This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people aThere are lot of articles who are talking about Frameworks and CMS systems. What to choose? Which is the best?However I wanted to write an article from a totally different perspective. First of all I want to make sure that developers and customers understand the difference between the terminology “CMS” and “Framework” nowadays.Some theory firstWhen we use the terminology “Framework” we are more often talking about Web application framework.

A web application framework is simply based on coding. If you are a programmer or a web developer that loves coding you often choose a Web application framework for your projects.A CMS is a Content management framework and it is based on the modules rather than code. Anyone can handle a CMS as it doesn’t require any coding knowledge. Of course programmers can also choose a CMS as they can do their job faster. There are lot of fights…There are lot of misunderstandings about what a framework and what a CMS can do.

Lot of fans that use CMS they are saying that “We can do everything with a CMS” and the fans of the frameworks are “No we can do everything with a framework” and so on… As a fan of frameworks of course I will have the same opinion but actually this is not true! The truth is that as we use the same base (PHP,RoR,python. NET… e.t.c.), we all can do everything (well almost everything, but still).

Even the myth that CMS doesn’t use a good structure isn’t truth. For example Drupal 8 is based on Symfony framework, a very good object oriented web application framework. So what do I choose?Nowadays the CMS is more popular than the Web application Framework as it is really easy to use it. Even if you don’t have programming knowledge you can install and create a whole website with just a CMS.

So what to choose?It is always about four basic things that you have to think before you choose a framework or a CMS in my personal experience:1.

How much time you want to spend?2. What do you want to do and how flexible has to be this project in the future?3. How much money (if it matters) you will take after the end of the project.4. What the hosting environment will beFor the customer it doesn’t really matter what tools you will use. The thing that matters is to have their job done.

So let’s have an example:I will explain to you my choices about two personal projects and one normal project. This blog and First of all I am a PHP web developer so I can choose either a PHP framework, either a PHP CMS.So for this blog that you are reading right now, I used WordPress as:1. I wanted to spend as less time as I could as it is a simple blog2. I didn’t want to do anything extreme. Just the usual. SEO, caching, comments, nice design and less spams!3.

I will not make any profit for the creation of the project. So I don’t have as a criteria the money.4. Free to choose.For I choose Codeigniter framework as:1. I wanted to spend a normal time to do it. Not too much as this is a personal project2. I wanted to be 100% extendable as I am changing the structure all the time with new ideas. For example now I am preparing a new mini website inside the (

Still the money doesn’t count here as it is a personal project4. Free to chooseFor I chose Codeigniter framework as1. I had only 1 month deadline for me to do it from scratch2. It was a system that the clients wanted some extremely custom webpages (such as with an internal connection with java applet charts).

I didn’t choose wordpress or drupal as it would require more time to customize all of these unique needs.3. For money nothing more than my normal monthly salary. So the money was not something to motivate me4. Just another shared hosting I want to investigate moreAs I said only in my personal experience are 4 simple things that I have in mind but this is only because the outsource projects that I have are often small projects so that’s why I have only these four things in mind.

Of course if I want to investigate more time I think a Web Application framework is the solution and I can give you much more criteria to have in mind. As the Symfony webpage says:You’re making progress and that’s a good thing!

You already know that you are going to use a framework to develop your site or your application. But which one? Here is a checklist that you can use to avoid making a mistake:So there are 10 criteria for choosing the correct framework. You can take a look at this article as it is really straight forward about what are the real criteria to actually choose a framework.

So if you really want to investigate to a framework for your big projects, have in mind that it is a long-term commitment, so make sure that you make the right selection… for you!What about a CMS?On the other side it is not so bad to know programming and also be a “CMS guy”. The bad think about it is that they are many “CMS guys” that don’t have any programming knowledge and think that •TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.

Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping →Learn more about Documentation → I have experience with Joomla and have modified and wrote some simple Joomla extensions.

I don't have experience using one of the popular PHP frameworks (such as CakePHP), but I was thinking about using the Joomla framework because I'm familiar with Joomla. How would I use the Joomla framework for a software project instead of using regular Joomla and writing the extensions needed for it to extend it's capabilities? Thanks! The basic idea is that you:• Get a copy of either the whole framework or just the packages you need+dependencies (from github or composer) or use the older copy that is shipped with the CMS,• Bootstrap your application (JApplicationWeb or JApplicationCli).• Write your code using the MVC structure provided.The big difference with writing a totally independent application is that you are doing just that, you need to build everything in the application whereas in the CMS there are already a lot of things in place.

(The good part of that is that you can make new code with no legacy concerns.) For example, if you look at the JIssues project you'll see that they had to think about things like authentication. So as you would expect writing a simple application is simple, writing a complex one is complex.You can see many examples of framework applications around, ranging from the ones found in the CLI folder of your CMS installation to JIssues, and of course the three web applications in the CMS are all examples of applications on the framework. The Joomla Framework is intended (among other things) to be the platform upon which you can build a web-application.

The framework is like the frame of one of those motorcycles they build on "American Choppers." It provides the backdrop so that you can hit the ground thinking about your app without worrying about User Authentication, database connection, and a thousand other things like those that get in the way of bringing your app to its potential audience.If you're trying to extend Joomla, the current edition is what you should be using. discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking joomla framework vs cms Browse other questions tagged php joomla frameworks joomla-extensions or ask your own question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther• Stack Overflow• Server Fault• Super User• Web Applications• Ask Ubuntu• Webmasters• Game Development• TeX - LaTeX• Programmers• Unix & Linux• Ask Different (Apple)• WordPress Development• Geographic Information Systems• Electrical Engineering• Android Enthusiasts• Information Security• Database Administrators• Drupal Answers• SharePoint• User Experience• Mathematica• Salesforce• ExpressionEngine® Answers• Cryptography• Code Review• Magento• Signal Processing• Raspberry Pi• Programming Puzzles & Code Golf•more (7)• Photography• Science Fiction & Fantasy• Graphic Design• Movies & TV• Music: Practice & Theory• Seasoned Advice (cooking)• Home Improvement• Personal Finance & Money• Academia•more (8)• English Language & Usage• Skeptics• Mi Yodeya (Judaism)• Travel• Christianity• English Language Learners• Japanese Language• Arqade (gaming)• Bicycles• Role-playing Games• Anime & Manga•more (18)• Mathematics• Cross Validated (stats)• Theoretical Computer Science• Physics• MathOverflow• Chemistry• Biology• Computer Science• Philosophy•more (3)• Stack Apps• Meta Stack Exchange• Area 51• Stack Overflow Careers •TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Many of us have come to understand Joomla!

to refer to a specific software we use, yet there are 3 different types of software available from Joomla!These are:1) The Joomla! CMS;2) The Joomla! Platform; and3) The Joomla! Framework.What are the differences? The Joomla! CMS is the product you likely know and use. It's the Content Management System which powers many sites.

Usually when talking about Joomla!, we just mean the CMS.Official site: Joomla! Platform is the old underlying code which powers the CMS. It used to be a separated project but was merged back into the CMS. The platform no longer exists as an own projectThe Joomla! Framework is a rather new project.

It's meant as a framework to power various standalone applications. It's based on the CMS code, but was modernised and improved a lot. Currently, the CMS only uses a few classes from the framework, but that is likely to raise over the time. There are also other applications like JIssues which are built on this framework.Official site: @Bakual did a good job of explaining it, but I just wanted to add that a big purpose of the Framework is to improve practices for everyone who develops extensions for the CMS.

It follows modern practices and makes it easier to write clean, testable code. I say this from the standpoint as a big proponent of the Framework (I've contributed heavily) and from the fact that I use the Joomla! CMS every day at work, and I want to make that easier.The Framework is the future! protected by Lodder Sep 26 '14 at 15:53Thank you for your interest in this question.Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?Not the answer you're looking for?

Browse other questions tagged cms joomla-framework-1.x or ask your own question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther• Stack Overflow• Server Fault• Super User• Web Applications• Ask Ubuntu• Webmasters• Game Development• TeX - LaTeX• Programmers• Unix & Linux• Ask Different (Apple)• WordPress Development• Geographic Information Systems• Electrical Engineering• Android Enthusiasts• Information Security• Database Administrators• Drupal Answers• SharePoint• User Experience• Mathematica• Salesforce• ExpressionEngine® Answers• Cryptography• Code Review• Magento• Signal Processing• Raspberry Pi• Programming Puzzles & Code Golf•more (7)• Photography• Science Fiction & Fantasy• Graphic Design• Movies & TV• Music: Practice & Theory• Seasoned Advice (cooking)• Home Improvement• Personal Finance & Money• Academia•more (8)• English Language & Usage• Skeptics• Mi Yodeya (Judaism)• Travel• Christianity• English Language Learners• Japanese Language• Arqade (gaming)• Bicycles• Role-playing Games• Anime & Manga•more (18)• Mathematics• Cross Validated (stats)• Theoretical Computer Science• Physics• MathOverflow• Chemistry• Biology• Computer Science• Philosophy•more joomla framework vs cms Stack Apps• Meta Stack Exchange• Area 51• Stack Overflow Careers There are lot of articles who are talking about Frameworks and CMS systems.

What to choose? Which is the best?However I wanted to write an article from a totally different perspective. First of all I want to make sure that developers and customers understand the difference between the terminology “CMS” and “Framework” nowadays.Some theory firstWhen we use the terminology “Framework” we are more often talking about Web application framework.

A web application framework is simply based on coding. If you are a programmer or a web developer that loves coding you often choose a Web application framework for your projects.A CMS is a Content management framework and it is based on the modules rather than code. Anyone can handle a CMS as it doesn’t require any coding knowledge.

Of course programmers can also choose a CMS as they can do their job faster. There are lot of fights…There are lot of misunderstandings about what a framework and what a CMS can do. Lot of fans that use CMS they are saying that “We can do everything with a CMS” and the fans of the frameworks are “No we can do everything with a framework” and so on… As a fan of frameworks of course I will have the same opinion but actually this is not true!

The truth is that as we use the same base (PHP,RoR,python. NET… e.t.c.), we all can do everything (well almost everything, but still). Even the myth that CMS doesn’t use a good structure isn’t truth. For example Drupal 8 is based on Symfony framework, a very good object oriented web application framework.

So what do I choose?Nowadays the CMS is more popular than the Web application Framework as it is really easy to use it. Even if you don’t have programming knowledge you can install and create a whole website with just a CMS.

So what to choose?It is always about four basic things that you have to think before you choose a framework or a CMS in my personal experience:1. How much time you want to spend?2. What do you want to do and how flexible has to be this project in the future?3. How much money (if it matters) you will take after the end of the project.4. What the hosting environment will beFor the customer it doesn’t really matter what tools you will use. The thing that matters is to have their job done. So let’s have an example:I will explain to you my choices about two personal projects and one normal project.

This blog and First of all I am a PHP web developer so I can choose either a PHP framework, either a PHP CMS.So for this blog that you are reading right now, I used WordPress as:1. I wanted to spend as less time as I could as it is a simple blog2. I didn’t want to do anything extreme. Just the usual. SEO, caching, comments, nice design and less spams!3.

I will not make any profit for the creation of the project. So I don’t have as a criteria the money.4. Free to choose.For I choose Codeigniter framework as:1. I wanted to spend a normal time to do it. Not too much as this is a personal project2. I wanted to be 100% extendable as I am changing the structure all the time with new ideas. For example now I am preparing a new mini website inside the (

Still the money doesn’t count here as it is a personal project4. Free to chooseFor I chose Codeigniter framework as1. I had only 1 month deadline for me to do it from scratch2. It was a system that the clients wanted some extremely custom webpages (such as with an internal connection with java applet charts).

I didn’t choose wordpress or drupal as it would require more time to customize all of these unique needs.3. For money nothing more than my normal monthly salary. So the money was not something to motivate me4. Just another shared hosting I want to investigate moreAs I said only in my personal experience are 4 simple things that I have in mind but this is only because the outsource projects that I have are often small projects so that’s why I have only these four things in mind. Of course if I want to investigate more time I think a Web Application framework is the solution and I can give you much more criteria to have in mind.

As the Symfony webpage says:You’re making progress and that’s a good thing! You already know that you are going to use a framework to develop your site or your application. But which one? Here is a checklist that you can use to avoid making a mistake:So there are 10 criteria for choosing the correct framework.

You can take a look at this article as it is really straight forward about what are the real criteria to actually choose a framework. So if you really want to investigate to a framework for your big projects, have in mind that it is a long-term commitment, so make sure that you make the right selection… for you!What about a CMS?On the other side it is not so bad to know programming and also be a “CMS guy”.

The bad think about it is that they are many “CMS guys” that don’t have any programming knowledge and think that •TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Announcing Stack Overflow DocumentationWe started with Q&A.

Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping →Learn more about Documentation → What kind of applications are developed using a CMS like joomla, drupal and what kind of applications are developed using frameworks.If all kind of applications can be developed in a CMS like drupal then why do we use a framework like SYMFONY? Not all kinds of applications can be build using a CMS.

A CMS isn't really suitable for building applications that aren't primarily concerned with content management. But the term "content" is loose enough for a CMS to be adapted to many applications.I was contracted to build a blog aggregation thingy in Drupal once.

It wasn't the right tool. And recently I built a mobile phone application in Drupal too. I would rather have done it in rails. A CMS is a sort of framework, but generally limited towards making websites with article/page type content with an out of the box article management system.A framework provides often used web development boilerplate code, they support:• MVC paradigm• Url parsing and handling• Templating• Better request handling Joomla & Drupal has user management via access control lists.Leaving CMS aside, you can use the user management to assist your php component that bolts into the CMS.

Thus you have a platform/framework that is being updated and patched by a broader community.the changes you make to the component can be updated from the backend of the CMS as you make them available. CMS is product (Content Management System) which allows users to publish and manage content its a solution developed in a language.

Drupal and Joomla are PHP solutions of a CMS. You customize JOOMLA and Drupal to your needs for your your custom CMS Product. Frameworks are different they are coding patterns design patterns implmented together to use a language in a modularized and more maintanable way. When i say coding patterns it can be use of Model view Controller architecute to seperate your Busnieess logic from Presentation. From my understanding, a CMS is a pre-built system that allows you to quickly add/modify content.

It gives the average user enough flexibility to change what your site does by installing modules and themes.With a CMS, all the programming code is already written, and the user just inputs data for the site (pages, blog posts, whatever - see Wordpress, for example); unless, of course, you want to modify the underlying source code or create a custom plug-in for it.A framework is a system, sort of like a CMS, but grants you even more flexibility with your site as you are to write all of the code yourself.With a framework, you actually write the code to implement the web site (or whatever it is you are building), but you start with some ready-made code that defines the general structure of the software (not the site's structure, mind you) and which usually provides many functions/methods for handling typical coding tasks.

The idea then is that the developer spends a larger percentage of his/her time on the actual "business" code and less on the detailed nuts and bolts (i.e. "framework") upon which that business logic is implemented. Check out the CodeIgniter tutorials to get a feel for what this means.If a particular CMS provides a large majority of the functionality as well as look and feel that you need, then it is probably a good solution for you (with a possible caveat being how efficient its code is and how scalable, should your site's traffic and growth require it).

But if you would need to make a lot of modifications to a CMS to get it to work the way you want, you might actually be able to develop the site more efficiently on top of a framework, so that you don't spend lots of time trying to figure out what to change and how to change it in a bunch of CMS code you did not write - also dependent on how well you know the framework you would work with instead, of course. A CMS such as joomla, can be used in order to create completely custom applications such as an ordinary framework such as Zend etc.The advantage of using a CMS is that you may use ready made modules, components and plugins as well as create your own ones and thus create a completely custom application.Joomla uses the MVC paradigm and has its own framework.

It provides really good user management (from version 1.6Why reinvent the wheel. discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged php frameworks content-management-system or ask your own question. Technol• About• About Yii• Features• Performance• License• Contact Us• Downloads• Framework• Extensions• Demos• Logo• Documentation• Take the Tour• Tutorials• Class Reference• Wiki• Guide 2.0• Class Reference 2.0• Screencasts• Resources• Development• Contribute to Yii• Latest Updates• Report a Bug• Report a Security Issue• Community• Forum• Live Chat• News• Hall of Fame• Badges I'm really confused about when to use a CMS (p.e.

Joomla) or a framework (p.e Yii). I tried to code something in Joomla and I found it really difficult. However, I find coding in Yii like a dream, since I've always been able to do anything. What do you think, should I stick with Yii in all web projects or should I use Joomla sometimes? CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework. CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework.I see your point, but what if I start building a site with Joomla (because the customer only wanted contents) and later the costumer changes his mind and wants a new functionality that needs to be coded? If you want to leverage your Yii knowledge and at the same time be able to work with a CMS then you have three choices (AFAIK):1) Buy a license for Craft: Join an existing open source CMS project powered by Yii.3) Roll up your sleeves and start cooking.

Yii modules/extensions makes it easy to create a ready-to-go toolset.I think that you will learn that option 3 isn't all that impossible.But I've heard good things about Craft. I always say to my clients that if they choose to use a CMS, they have to take it as is, and what i can do at most is install available plugin.I'll never write custom code for a CMS.

Maybe for Drupal, but now never I spent my time to customize a CMS, also because I think that most times the clients choose a CMS because they want spend no money. If I was to choose a CMS - not powered by Yii - I would use Bolt: is powered by Symfony/Silex.Joomla is horrible - even more cumbersome to customize/extend than Wordpress.In my very humble opinion. I think that a CMS is like a bread baking machine: easy to get into, it can be used by n00bs and pros alike.But if you change the recipe or try to make something other than bread.A framework, on the other hand, is a fully stocked kitchen Thank you for your answers.

I think I will choose option 3 "Roll up your sleeves and start cooking". Craft PRO is $299, which I find slightly expensive.What if the costumer wants an e-shop? As far as I know, there are no good Yii shops available. Designed by software developers for software developers. Easy to Adapt. Easy to Extend.Download Composer GitHub OrganizationWhat is the Joomla! Framework?The Joomla! Framework™ is a new PHP framework (a collection of software libraries/packages) for writing web and command line applications in PHP, without the features and corresponding overhead found in the Joomla!

Content Management System (CMS). It provides a structurally sound foundation, which is easy to adapt and easy to extend.The Joomla! Framework is free and open source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later; and is comprised of code originally developed for the Joomla!

CMS™.The Joomla! Framework should not be confused with the hugely popular Joomla! CMS. It is important to remember that you do not need to install the Joomla! Framework to use the CMS, nor do you need to install the Joomla! CMS to use the Framework. Getting StartedThe new Joomla! Framework is now available to install via Composer and you can find the list of packages on

There are plenty of avenues you can explore to get started on working with the Framework.For the official docs, check out the file found in each package. You can also review the Joomla! Framework organization on GitHub. Get the Sample ApplicationThe easiest way to get to know the Joomla! Framework is to start with the sample app.• Install Composer.• Download this sample app repository from GitHub.• Run composer install.• View in your browser.Why build a Joomla!

Framework?Separating the framework from the CMS was a big deal, and in retrospect, a smart decision. By separating the two code bases Joomla!® can now offer the stability the CMS requires while still taking advantage of current and modern trends in PHP development. What is the Framework good for?• Building a RESTful web services platform• Building both simple and complex command line tools• Building next generation web applicationsA great example is the issue tracker for the Joomla!

CMS. Framework ArchitectureThe Joomla! Framework has also been designed for maximum flexibility. Breaking the Framework into isolated modular packages allows each package to evolve more easily than if all packages are tied to a single, large package release.Gone are the days when a PHP framework must offer anything and everything a developer needs to complete a project.

The current and widely adopted modern practice is to employ lightweight independent feature-specific packages.The Framework is distributed with Composer, and as such, allows you to include any other PHP code packages that you can install using Composer. And that's a LOT!

Take a look at to see the kind and quality of code which becomes available when using Composer for dependency management. What does the Joomla! Framework mean for you?Whether you are a Joomla! extension developer looking to spread your wings & delve into developing standalone applications or a PHP coder looking for a stable lightweight framework for your next app, the Framework provides benefits for everyone.

I am already developing Extensions for the Joomla! CMS. Why should I consider using the Joomla! Framework?You have invested significant time & effort in learning the Joomla!

way of doing things & writing extensions. You can now apply this same knowledge within a non-CMS environment because the Joomla! Framework maintains a similar set of function, class, and method names.It's important to keep in mind other situations, such as what happens when you land a project that needs a different type of application. Or when something doesn't really fit into the website or CMS box, or the CMS is simply too much overhead.

There may be times when you need a simple tool to migrate data from one Business Intelligence system to another or a lightweight RESTful service to talk to a mobile application. These are all cases when a framework-based application will prove much more beneficial.These are only a few of the many situations where a framework based solution would work far better than attempting to shoehorn a solution into the Joomla!

CMS. The Joomla! Framework allows you to leverage all that Joomla! knowledge to build apps without the overhead of the CMS. I know PHP already. Why should I use this framework?If you are a strong coder looking for a lightweight framework that is easy to adapt and extend, you are in the right place.The Joomla! Framework is available using Composer. This allows you to build projects from the many packages included in the Joomla! Framework as well as packages that best fit your needs from any of the other PHP frameworks that use Composer.

I am a Joomla! CMS User. How will I be affected?The Joomla! CMS and the Joomla! Framework are currently developed independently and, thus, the Framework's launch will not have an immediate impact for you. However, there are already parts of the Framework integrated into the CMS (e.g. the Dependency Injection package, aJoomla!

4.0 or Next, Joomla! Platform or Framework, WTF is going on!?A lot of discussion and confusion has been going on lately about the direction of the Joomla! project. What's in store for the CMS, what's going on with the Platform, why a new direction with the Framework, and how's all of this tie together.

I personally don't have all of the answers, but what I can share is my own vision for the future and how everything ties together.This is a guest post by Michael BabkerDISCLAIMER: In no way is this meant to represent the official stance of the PLT, this is just the opinion of someone who's contributed to making Joomla! better for everyone over the last three years and wants to continue doing so. CMS 4.0 and NextI've shared a vision with a few folks about how I would handle the future of the CMS, and with the new direction in the Framework, I think my vision is better defined.

If I were in charge of development, I would "retire" the current CMS architecture at the EOL of the 4.x series, which is at the end of 2016. In 2014 when 4.0 is released, I would also release Joomla! Next, which is what I consider the next generation of the CMS, built fresh on the Framework. In keeping with our backwards compatibility policies, I would use 4.x as a transitional layer between the two applications. The goal would be that extensions would work between 3.5 and 4.x or 4.x and Next with little issue, but that promise can't be extended from 3.5 through Next.

The Framework already has a compatibility layer in place to handle the class renaming to use PHP namespaces, so to me, this isn't a major issue. I would also make my damnedest effort to keep the existing extension infrastructure in place, as that is where Joomla!

makes its money.Places that still need to be thought through would include how to handle integrating the Framework into the CMS, updating the CMS code, and the MVC structure. My personal opinion on the matter is that the Framework in its newest form doesn't fit into the current CMS structure, hence the need for a different named product, even if it is the logical continuation of its predecessor.

I'd also like the CMS to follow the Framework and embrace PHP namespaces (this could change the way class overrides are handled, possibly for the better, I'm still really learning and understanding namespaces). And as for the MVC structure, I personally think that we could use the best of both methods currently in the code and expand from there.

For me, this means embracing the new JView interface (at a code level, I think child classes of this interface are easier to read and understand, and can be more easily reduced to the bare minimum, such as this example from the proposed CMS installer rewrite), dropping some of the legacy handling for finding and instantiating classes, and continuing to optimize and enhance the code infrastructure.Next would be the awesome new product built fresh and keeping in mind the requirements of the CMS, and 4.x would be the immediate follow up to 3.5 and progress as developers see fit.

An important aspect to keep in mind is that 4.x must be the glue to tie everything together. Without 4.x in this important role, then the transition to an updated infrastructure will fail.

The time for open communication between the project and the development community is now to determine how to implement a plan like this and allow for developers to voice their concerns, if this is the plan we want to follow. Obviously, others have different opinions, and I truly believe we need to listen to those opinions and, as a team, come up with our plan on how to move forward.

Platform and FrameworkTo say that the Platform and Framework are one in the same would never be an accurate statement. Both started with a similar goal in mind; establishing a base framework from which developers could build upon. The biggest difference between the two is how they're moving forward. The Framework is doing a clean split from any CMS infrastructure, preferring to start off at the generic framework stage and allow it to be built upon by anyone, whereas the Platform started off as a copy of the /libraries folder from the CMS and retained a lot of that CMS specific code, which makes it difficult now to build on the Platform without using CMS specific concepts.

It is for this reason I think the Framework will be successful.As for the future, the plan is to reintegrate the existing Platform repository back into the CMS and allow the CMS to do with it as it pleases within its development strategy and guidelines. The Framework will grow on its own, without directly containing all of the technical needs that a CMS like ours does. This doesn't mean that we can't use the Framework in the CMS.

As I said before, I feel that the current CMS architecture would have a difficult time integrating the Framework, but I fully believe that a modernized CMS can be built on the Framework, retaining the existing functionality we offer today, and inDifferences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform – Групи Google Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform Показано повідомлення 1–54 з 54 Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:06 This may be a rather naive question, but what is the difference between the Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform?

I do see the Joomla Framework as being described as being experimental, and Joomla being a Vendor in the framework. Is this just where the namespacing and the new MVC might happen, or is there more to it? The massive changes required to introduce namespacing to the platform would have huge backwards compatibility issues with the CMS, and would basically lock the CMS into the version it is using right now. So, we created the framework repo where we can make these changes and not worry about potential backlash from the CMS development community possibly mis-understanding the purpose of the change before it was ready to be presented. -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Joomla!

Platform Development" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to more options, visit [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:59 Thanks Don! In essence, would it be safe to say that the Joomla "Framework on Github is basically a drastically newer version of the Joomla Platform?

That is, it's not a new project with new goals or serves a new purpose. Correct? Yes, that would be a good assessment. We are breaking out each of the packages into their own repo so that they can be installed via composer in any environment that needs them. Someone coding with Laravel might want to use our Github code (since it's AWESOME) but with the platform, that's not possible.

With the framework, it is possible, because it's been decoupled from the other classes in the platform and is able to be used with few other requirements.Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 12:18 Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to connect the dots and see the potential in what we are doing? A powerpoint, regular blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG?

And from an outside perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need answering? The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you. It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one?

Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into this months JCM? This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need> answering?>> Regards,> Andrew Eddie> - free tutorials and videos on Joomla> development>>> On 1 March 2013 06:18, Matt Thomas <> wrote:>>> That sounds fantastic!

Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I look>> forward to seeing more greatness come about.>>>> Best,>>>> Matt Thomas>> Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>> Framework<>>>>> Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>>>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>>>> Framework<>Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformAndrew Eddie28.02.13 13:56 On 1 March 2013 07:49, Nick Savov <> wrote:Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one?

Thanks inadvance! On GitHub, we can't order the repos. They are automatically ordered by the latest updates.On Thursday, February 28, 2013, Nick Savov wrote:The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you.

It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one? Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into joomla framework vs cms months JCM?

This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing? A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people a•TourStart here for a quick overview of the site•Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have•MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site•About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company•BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Many of us have come to understand Joomla!

to refer to a specific software we use, yet there are 3 different types of software available from Joomla!These are:1) The Joomla! CMS;2) The Joomla! Platform; and3) The Joomla! Framework.What are the differences? The Joomla!

CMS is the product you likely know and use. It's the Content Management System which powers many sites. Usually when talking about Joomla!, we just mean the CMS.Official site: Joomla! Platform is the old underlying code which powers the CMS.

It used to be a separated project but was merged back into the CMS. The platform no longer exists as an own projectThe Joomla! Framework is a rather new project. It's meant as a framework to power various standalone applications. It's based on the CMS code, but was modernised and improved a lot. Currently, the CMS only uses a few classes from the framework, but that is likely to raise over the time. There are also other applications like JIssues which are built on this framework.Official site: @Bakual did a good job of explaining it, but I just wanted to add that a big purpose of the Framework is to improve practices for everyone who develops extensions for the CMS.

It follows modern practices and makes it easier to write clean, testable code. I say this from the standpoint as a big proponent of the Framework (I've contributed heavily) and from the fact that I use the Joomla! CMS every day at work, and I want to make that easier.The Framework is the future! protected by Lodder Sep 26 '14 at 15:53Thank you for your interest in this question.Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?Not the answer you're looking for?

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Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.Sign up and start helping →Learn more about Documentation → I have experience with Joomla and have modified and wrote some simple Joomla extensions.

I don't have experience using one of the popular PHP frameworks (such as CakePHP), but I was thinking about using the Joomla framework because I'm familiar with Joomla. How would I use the Joomla framework for a software project instead of using regular Joomla and writing the extensions needed for it to extend it's capabilities?

Thanks! The basic idea is that you:• Get a copy of either the whole framework or just the packages you need+dependencies (from github or composer) or use the older copy that is shipped with the CMS,• Bootstrap your application (JApplicationWeb or JApplicationCli).• Write your code using the MVC structure provided.The big difference with writing a totally independent application is that you are doing just that, you need to build everything in the application whereas in the CMS there are already a lot of things in place.

(The good part of that is that you can make new code with no legacy concerns.) For example, if you look at the JIssues project you'll see that they had to think about things like authentication.

So as you would expect writing a simple application is simple, writing a complex one is complex.You can see many examples of framework applications around, ranging from the ones found in the CLI folder of your CMS installation to JIssues, and of course the three web applications in the CMS are all examples of applications on the framework. The Joomla Framework is intended (among other things) to be the platform upon which you can build a web-application.

The framework is like the frame of one of those motorcycles they build on "American Choppers." It provides the backdrop so that you can hit the ground thinking about your app without worrying about User Authentication, database connection, and a thousand other things like those that get in the way of bringing your app to its potential audience.If you're trying to extend Joomla, the current edition is what you should be using. discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for?

Browse other questions tagged php joomla frameworks joomla-extensions or ask your own question. TechnologyLife / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther• Stack Overflow• Server Fault• Super User• Web Applications• Ask Ubuntu• Webmasters• Game Development• TeX - LaTeX• Programmers• Unix & Linux• Ask Different (Apple)• WordPress Development• Geographic Information Systems• Electrical Engineering• Android Enthusiasts• Information Security• Database Administrators• Drupal Answers• SharePoint• User Experience• Mathematica• Salesforce• ExpressionEngine® Answers• Cryptography• Code Review• Magento• Signal Processing• Raspberry Pi• Programming Puzzles & Code Golf•more (7)• Photography• Science Fiction & Fantasy• Graphic Design• Movies & TV• Music: Practice & Theory• Seasoned Advice (cooking)• Home Improvement• Personal Finance & Money• Academia•more (8)• English Language & Usage• Skeptics• Mi Yodeya (Judaism)• Travel• Christianity• English Language Learners• Japanese Language• Arqade (gaming)• Bicycles• Role-playing Games• Anime & Manga•more (18)• Mathematics• Cross Validated (stats)• Theoretical Computer Science• Physics• MathOverflow• Chemistry• Biology• Computer Science• Philosophy•more (3)• Stack Apps• Meta Stack Exchange• Area 51• Stack Overflow Careers • About• About Yii• Features• Performance• License• Contact Us• Downloads• Framework• Extensions• Demos• Logo• Documentation• Take the Tour• Tutorials• Class Reference• Wiki• Guide 2.0• Class Reference 2.0• Screencasts• Resources• Development• Contribute to Yii• Latest Updates• Report a Bug• Report a Security Issue• Community• Forum• Live Chat• News• Hall of Fame• Badges I'm really confused about when to use a CMS (p.e.

Joomla) or a framework (p.e Yii). I tried to code something in Joomla and I found it really difficult. However, I find coding in Yii like a dream, since I've always been able to do anything.

What do you think, should I stick with Yii in all web projects or should I use Joomla sometimes? CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework. CMS are tools ready to handle contents (with editor, acl, ecc.)Frameworks are tools to develop a web app, and also CMS.So if your need is to have a system to handle contents, choose a CMS.If your need is to develop a generic and custom web app, choose a framework.I see your point, but what if I start building a site with Joomla (because the customer only wanted contents) and later the costumer changes his mind and wants a new functionality that needs to be coded? If you want to leverage your Yii knowledge and at the same time be able to work with a CMS then you have three choices (AFAIK):1) Buy a license for Craft: Join an existing open source CMS project powered by Yii.3) Roll up your sleeves and start cooking.

Yii modules/extensions makes it easy to create a ready-to-go toolset.I think that you will learn that option 3 isn't all that impossible.But I've heard good things about Craft. I always say to my clients that if they choose to use a CMS, they have to take it as is, and what i can do at most is install available plugin.I'll never write custom code for a CMS.

Maybe for Drupal, but now never I spent my time to customize a CMS, also because I think that most times the clients choose a CMS because they want spend no money. If I was to choose a CMS - not powered by Yii - I would use Bolt: is powered by Symfony/Silex.Joomla is joomla framework vs cms - even more cumbersome to customize/extend than Wordpress.In my very humble opinion. I think that a CMS is like a bread baking machine: easy to get into, it can be used by n00bs and pros alike.But if you change the recipe or try to make something other than bread.A framework, on the other hand, is a fully stocked kitchen Thank you for your answers.

I think I will choose option 3 "Roll up your sleeves and start cooking". Craft PRO is $299, which I find slightly expensive.What if the costumer wants an e-shop?

As far as I know, there are no good Yii shops available. The best websites today are powered by easy to use content management systems (CMS) that allow you to make changes to a website without needing to touch a single line of code.If you want to get a new, powerful website online, but can’t wait around or shell out the big bucks ($3k+) required for a custom site, look no further than these three options.WordPress, Joomla and Drupal all offer great features, tons of customizaions, ease-of-use, and strong security.Oh yeah, all three are also free.Choosing the right one can be difficult because they’re all good options.But chances are, one of these three will fit your unique situation the best (whether that’s firing up a simple business website or running a fully functioning social network).Let’s see how they compare to find the perfect choice for you.

Quick Overview:• WordPress – Best choice for beginners because of it’s ease-of-use, it works especially well for small to medium sized websites, blogs and smaller e-commerce stores.• Joomla – Great for e-commerce or social networking websites, but requires a basic understanding of technical skills.• Drupal – The most difficult, but also the most powerful.

It requires a familiar understanding of HTML, CSS and PHP.CMS Comparison Chart Which one is the right for your needs? Read our in-depth review to find out. WordPressWordPress is the world’s most popular content management system.Despite it’s humble blogging beginnings, WordPress has taken the world by storm (literally), powering over over 60 millions websites today.If that’s not impressive, WordPress is also used on o ver 40% of CMS-based websites – leading the market of DIY CMS websites by a wiiiiiiide margin.Here’s why it’s so popular.• Easy to Install – Many web hosting companies (like Bluehost) offer instant, automated WordPress installs.

That means you can get a brand new website up-and-running in less than five minutes! (It takes longer to go brew a cup of coffee than it does to have new WordPress website online.)• Customizable – WordPress has significantly more plug-ins, themes and other customizations available than any other CMS.

Because of it’s widespread popularity, more third-party designers and developers will create free (or relatively inexpensive) new WordPress tools to help you create/start a blog that looks like a high-dollar custom website (while only setting you back less than $100).• Free– WordPress is absolutely, no-strings-attached free to use. And building on the last point, there are easily tens of thousands of free plug-ins and themes available to choose from.

This is perfect for most beginners putting together their first site because it keeps costs down.• Community Support – If you do experience issues or have questions about your new WordPress site, you can easily tap into the millions of people already using and supporting it. Their support forum includes helpful contributors that can answer any question you might have, within minutes, again – for free. Awesome, right?Of course, WordPress isn’t perfect and does have it’s drawbacks.Cheif among them: WordPress is an easy-to-use framework because it locks down the ability for most users to make significant visual edits (for their own good).

So you can’t make a TON of structural website changes without the help of a designer and/or developer.However, for a beginner, this is probably the most suitable platform to build a site. DrupalDrupal is the second most popular content management system available today, used by sites both large and small.It’s among the most powerful open sourced options available, which means it’s learning curve is also a bit steeper.Here’s where Drupal excels:• Technically Advanced – Drupal is the most technically advanced of these three content management systems.

Good for technical people who like to get their hands dirty.• Improved Performance – Drupal pages typically load more quickly, and have faster response times than those made with WordPress or Joomla.

Part of the reason is because it’s less resource-intensive, requiring a less expensive server or hosting setup. (However like with all CMS, adding too many third party plugins can bog down performance.)• Customizable – Drupal is easy to customize with many widely available plug-ins, themes and other configurable options to choose from. You can also edit the root files directly, perfect for those developers who need to make more significant changes.• Free – You can download the Drupal software for free, and install it on your own hosting server.Drupal is the most powerful content management system out of the box.

But with that power comes some additional difficulties for the website owner.Anyone considering Drupal should have at least a basic knowledge of HTML, PHP and other common web programming languages. You don’t need to be an expert necessarily, but being able to troubleshoot error messages and identify code problems will be a HUGE benefit.If your website begins to gain traction, evolving beyond a simple busDesigned by software developers for software developers.

Easy to Adapt. Easy to Extend.Download Composer GitHub OrganizationWhat is the Joomla! Framework?The Joomla! Framework™ is a new PHP framework (a collection of software libraries/packages) for writing web and command line applications in PHP, without the features and corresponding overhead found in the Joomla! Content Management System (CMS).

It provides a structurally sound foundation, which is easy to adapt and easy to extend.The Joomla! Framework is free and open source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later; and is comprised of code originally developed for the Joomla!

CMS™.The Joomla! Framework should not be confused with the hugely popular Joomla! CMS. It is important to remember that you do not need to install the Joomla!

Framework to use the CMS, nor do you need to install the Joomla! CMS to use the Framework. Getting StartedThe new Joomla! Framework is now available to install via Composer and you can find the list of packages on There are plenty of avenues you can explore to get started on working with the Framework.For the official docs, check out the file found in each package. You can also review the Joomla!

Framework organization on GitHub. Get the Sample ApplicationThe easiest way to get to know the Joomla! Framework is to start with the sample app.• Install Composer.• Download this sample app repository from GitHub.• Run composer install.• View in your browser.Why build a Joomla!

Framework?Separating the framework from the CMS was a big deal, and in retrospect, a smart decision. By separating the two code bases Joomla!ÂŽ can now offer the stability the CMS requires while still taking advantage of current and modern trends in PHP development.

What is the Framework good for?• Building a RESTful web services platform• Building both simple and complex command line tools• Building next generation web applicationsA great example is the issue tracker for the Joomla!

CMS. Framework ArchitectureThe Joomla! Framework has also been designed for maximum flexibility. Breaking the Framework into isolated modular packages allows each package to evolve more easily than if all packages are tied to a single, large package release.Gone are the days when a PHP framework must offer anything and everything a developer needs to complete a project. The current and widely adopted modern practice is to employ lightweight independent feature-specific packages.The Framework is distributed with Composer, and as such, allows you to include any other PHP code packages that you can install using Composer.

And that's a LOT! Take a look at to see the kind and quality of code which becomes available when using Composer for dependency management.

What does the Joomla! Framework mean for you?Whether you are a Joomla! extension developer looking to spread your wings & delve into developing standalone applications or a PHP coder looking for a stable lightweight framework for your next app, the Framework provides benefits for everyone.

I am already developing Extensions for the Joomla! CMS. Why should I consider using the Joomla! Framework?You have invested significant time & effort in learning the Joomla! way of doing things & writing extensions. You can now apply this same knowledge within a non-CMS environment because the Joomla!

Framework maintains a similar set of function, class, and method names.It's important to keep in mind other situations, such as what happens when you land a project that needs a different type of application.

Or when something doesn't really fit into the website or CMS box, or the CMS is simply too much overhead. There may be times when you need a simple tool to migrate data from one Business Intelligence system to another or a lightweight RESTful service to talk to a mobile application. These are all cases when a framework-based application will prove much more beneficial.These are only a few of the many situations where a framework based solution would work far better than attempting to shoehorn a solution into the Joomla!

CMS. The Joomla! Framework allows you to leverage all that Joomla! knowledge to build apps without the overhead of the CMS. I know PHP already. Why should I use this framework?If you are a strong coder looking for a lightweight framework that is easy to adapt and extend, you are in the right place.The Joomla! Framework is available using Composer. This allows you to build projects from the many packages included in the Joomla! Framework as well as packages that best fit your needs from any of the other PHP frameworks that use Composer.

I am a Joomla! CMS User. How will I be affected?The Joomla! CMS and the Joomla! Framework are currently developed independently and, thus, the Framework's launch will not have an immediate impact for you. However, there are already parts of the Framework integrated into the CMS (e.g. the Dependency Injection package, aThere are lot of articles who are talking about Frameworks and CMS systems.

What to choose? Which is the best?However I wanted to write an article from a totally different perspective. First of all I want to make sure that developers and customers understand the difference between the terminology “CMS” and “Framework” nowadays.Some theory firstWhen we use the terminology “Framework” we are more often talking about Web application framework.

A web application framework is simply based on coding. If you are a programmer or a web developer that loves coding you often choose a Web application framework for your projects.A CMS is a Content management framework and it is based on the modules rather than code.

Anyone can handle a CMS as it doesn’t require any coding knowledge. Of course programmers can also choose a CMS as they can do their job faster. There are lot of fights…There are lot of misunderstandings about what a framework and what a CMS can do. Lot of fans that use CMS they are saying that “We can do everything with a CMS” and the fans of the frameworks are “No we can do everything with a framework” and so on… As a fan of frameworks of course I will have the same opinion but actually this is not true!

The truth is that as we use the same base (PHP,RoR,python. NET… e.t.c.), we all can do everything (well almost everything, but still). Even the myth that CMS doesn’t use a good structure isn’t truth. For example Drupal 8 is based on Symfony framework, a very good object oriented web application framework. So what do I choose?Nowadays the CMS is more popular than the Web application Framework as it is really easy to use it.

Even if you don’t have programming knowledge you can install and create a whole website with just a CMS. So what to choose?It is always about four basic things that you have to think before you choose a framework or a CMS in my personal experience:1. How much time you want to spend?2. What do you want to do and how flexible has to be this project in the future?3.

How much money (if it matters) you will take after the end of the project.4. What the hosting environment will beFor the customer it doesn’t really matter what tools you will use. The thing that matters is to have their job done. So let’s have an example:I will explain to you my choices about two personal projects and one normal project.

This blog and First of all I am a PHP web developer so I can choose either a PHP framework, either a PHP CMS.So for this blog that you are reading right now, I used WordPress as:1. I wanted to spend as less time as I could as it is a simple blog2. I didn’t want to do anything extreme. Just the usual. SEO, caching, comments, nice design and less spams!3. I will not make any profit for the creation of the project. So I don’t have as a criteria the money.4.

Free to choose.For I choose Codeigniter framework as:1. I wanted to spend a normal time to do it. Not too much as this is a personal project2. I wanted to be 100% extendable as I am changing the structure all the time with new ideas. For example now I am preparing a new mini website inside the ( Still the money doesn’t count here as it is a personal project4. Free to chooseFor I chose Codeigniter framework as1.

I had only 1 month deadline for me to do it from scratch2. It was a system that the clients wanted some extremely custom webpages (such as with an internal connection with java applet charts).

I didn’t choose wordpress or drupal as it would require more time to customize all of these unique needs.3. For money nothing more than my normal monthly salary. So the money was not something to motivate me4. Just another shared hosting I want to investigate moreAs I said only in my personal experience are 4 simple things that I have in mind but this is only because the outsource projects that I have are often small projects so that’s why I have only these four things in mind.

Of course if I want to investigate more time I think a Web Application framework is the solution and I can give you much more criteria to have in mind. As the Symfony webpage says:You’re making progress and that’s a good thing! You already know that you are going to use a framework to develop your site or your application. But which one? Here is a checklist that you can use to avoid making a mistake:So there are 10 criteria for choosing the correct framework.

You can take a look at this article as it is really straight forward about what are the real criteria to actually choose a framework. So if you really want to investigate to a framework for your big projects, have in mind that it is a long-term commitment, so make sure that you make the right selection… for you!What about a CMS?On the other side it is not so bad to know programming and also be a “CMS guy”. The bad think about it is that they are many “CMS guys” that don’t have any programming knowledge and think that Main navigation• Home• About• About Butterfly• The Butterfly Group• Our clients• Awards• Our team• Careers• Services• Discovery and stakeholder engagement• Digital strategy• Design and UX• Website development• Joomla CMS• Drupal CMS• ADX Studio• Testing• Support• Hosting• Tech incubator• Case studies• Blog• Contact us Update: Please note this article compares Joomla 3.2 with Drupal 7.

Significant changes have been made to Drupal with the release of version 8.We are currently working on Drupal 8 projects and will publish a blog with our findings soon. alarm imageA couple of weeks ago, I needed to write a technical comparison between Joomla and Drupal.

Naturally my search began online. Surprisingly, I couldn't find any decent technical assessments of these two well-regarded open-source Content Management Systems (CMS).Most of the material available reflected superficial comparisons written by webmasters and non-developers.

There were a handful of articles that compared performance using benchmarks, but nothing in-depth enough to evaluate the technical, inner-workings of the CMS's underlying PHP framework in detail.As a developer who has worked both on Joomla and Drupal, I decided it was time to write a good technical comparison between Joomla and Drupal to end the war between the two.Before we begin, we must clarify some CMS-specific terminology:infoWhat Drupal calls Modules is very similar to the concept of Component in Joomla.infoWhat Joomla calls Modules is very similar to the concept of Blocks in Drupal. Ease of use vs.

ComplexityIf you look online, most analysts use a spectrum to help determine which CMS would be most suitable for different specifications.Wordpress is at one end of the range, being easiest to use and not suitable for complex projects, Joomla is in the middle, and Drupal is at the other end of the range being the hardest to use and most suitable for complex projects.

This categorisation has some truth in it, but should only be considered on a very general level.From the perspective of a webmaster making updates to the site, this is a fairly accurate assumption. However, developmentally, this is not necessarily the case - let's find out why. This post is mainly concerned with high-quality custom development. You can easily hack any of the 3 CMS's to do what you want, but this is at the expense of security, maintainability, and reliability.Similarly, the myth that Drupal is more suitable for complex projects than Joomla is caused by evaluating the CMS's from a webmaster's perspective rather than a programmer's perspective.

This perception is due to the fact that Drupal provides a modular approach for user interface design and content entry. Drupal web pages are created using blocks and views.This gives a webmaster ultimate flexibility to build web pages without the need of programming modules for Drupal.

While Joomla provides similar toolboxes (components and modules) to webmasters, it is not as powerful as Drupal for a skilled webmaster to quickly build new complex web pages.However, building new custom functionality is a different story. In today's world where everything is managed by software, flexibility in moving contents around in webpage and having a modular user interface is not enough.

As business needs evolve, the functionality within the CMS needs to be flexible enough to accommodate this. Technical comparison of Joomla and DrupalAs soon as the programmer opens up the guts of the Drupal source code they are faced with a nightmare. Customising Drupal is not easy, as it is based on a poorly-designed, procedural framework, whereas Joomla is based on a well-designed, Object-Oriented, MVC framework. It also implements a number of design patterns such as listener, etc.Even if you hire highly-skilled, (very expensive) Drupal programmers, there is a high possibility that your code will still resemble spaghetti, which will cause many problems in the future if you want to make further changes.

1. Database• In Drupal, views are stored in the database by default. This means you can't have version control (such as SVN or GIT) and developers can't collaborate on developing views. Drupal Core provides the ability to override default views in code, but this process involves extra development steps.• Every new content type in Drupal corresponds to a couple of database tables. This means the database structure changes over time as the webmaster creates and changes content types.

This is a nightmare for developers who like to create Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) when building web applications.

You can never rely on your ERD because the next time you look at the database, the number of tables and the schema would be different.• In Drupal, logs are stored in the database. All modern systems store logs in files. Storing logs in databases means they are very hard to access, analyse, and profile. A developer can't use Linux tools (such as sed, etc.) to process and analyse logs.

The process is sloweDifferences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform – Групи Google Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform Показано повідомлення 1–54 з 54 Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:06 This may be a rather naive question, but what is the difference between the Joomla Framework & Joomla Platform?

I do see the Joomla Framework as being described as being experimental, and Joomla being a Vendor in the framework. Is this just where the namespacing and the new MVC might happen, or is there more to it? The massive changes required to introduce namespacing to the platform would have huge backwards compatibility issues with the CMS, and would basically lock the CMS into the version it is using right now.

So, we created the framework repo where we can make these changes and not worry about potential backlash from the CMS development community possibly mis-understanding the purpose of the change before it was ready to be presented. -You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Joomla! Platform Development" group.To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to more options, visit [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 11:59 Thanks Don!

In essence, would it be safe to say that the Joomla "Framework on Github is basically a drastically newer version of the Joomla Platform? That is, it's not a new project with new goals or serves a new purpose. Correct? Yes, that would be a good assessment. We are breaking out each of the packages into their own repo so that they can be installed via composer in any environment that needs them.

Someone coding with Laravel might want to use our Github code (since it's AWESOME) but with the platform, that's not possible. With the framework, it is possible, because it's been decoupled from the other classes in the platform and is able to be used with few other requirements.Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformMatt Thomas28.02.13 12:18 Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to connect the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need answering? The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you.

It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one? Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into this months JCM? This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people are going to need> answering?>> Regards,> Andrew Eddie> - free tutorials and videos on Joomla> development>>> On 1 March 2013 06:18, Matt Thomas <> wrote:>>> That sounds fantastic!

Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I look>> forward to seeing more greatness come about.>>>> Best,>>>> Matt Thomas>> Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>> Framework< joomla framework vs cms Founder betweenbrain <>ďż˝>>>> Lead Developer Construct Template Development>>>> Framework<>Re: [jplatform] Differences between Joomla Framework & Joomla PlatformAndrew Eddie28.02.13 13:56 On 1 March 2013 07:49, Nick Savov <> wrote:Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also below the stable platform one?

Thanks inadvance! On GitHub, we can't order the repos. They are automatically ordered by the latest updates.On Thursday, February 28, 2013, Nick Savov wrote:The JCM is going out tomorrow most likely and their deadline is usuallyaround the 22nd, however I can check for you.

It's worth a try.Also, could someone please move the github experimental framework repobelow the CMS one and also joomla framework vs cms the stable platform one? Thanks inadvance!Kind regards,Nick> Is it too late to get that little interview into this months JCM? This is> a> question that is going to be asked a lot.>> Matt, what sort of resources do you think we need to help people to> connect> the dots and see the potential in what we are doing?

A powerpoint, regular> blogs, video someone doing a short talk at their JUG? And from an outside> perspective, what other questions do you think people a

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