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Nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd

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Kisah berawal ketika Go Eun Sung yang dimintaAyahnya untuk pulang dari study-nya di Newyork karna perusahaan Ayahnyabangkrut yang sebelumnya tidak diketahuinya. Ia memiliki insiden kecildengan Sun Woo Hwan yang juga diminta pulang oleh sang nenek, karena tasmereka yang tertukar (Tas dengan warna yang sama) padahal di dalam tasEun Sung, ada hadiah yang telah dibuatnya untuk sang ayah yang sebentarlagi akan berulang tahun.

Hwan memiliki sifat arogan, tidak pernahmengucapkan kata �Maaf� sama sekali dan tidak peduli dengan orang lainkecuali dengan seorang perempuan yang bernama Yoo Seung Mi yang adalahadik tiri Eun Sung. Sampai ketika hari ulang tahun Ayah Eun Sung hampirtiba, ia dibuat menunggu oleh Hwan yang berjanji akan menukar tasnyasehingga ia tidak sempat melihat Ayahnya untuk terakhir kalinya.

Belumlagi, ia pernah membayar semua minuman di kafe ketika Hwan gak punyauang. Sejak saat itu, Eun Sung dan Hwan saling membenci. Ibu tirinyayang jahat tapi kalo marah gak pake urat, mengusir Eun Sung dan adiknyayang autis, Go Eun Woo dengan halus karna mereka sudah tidak punya uangsejak Ayahnya yang telah meninggal dan juga perusahaannyayang bangkrut. Beruntung, Eun Sung tinggal dirumah sewaannya dan bekerjasebagai pelayan di sebuah klub malam.

Karena kesibukannya bekerjasendirian, Eun Sung menitipkan adiknya kepada temannya yang akhirnyamalah hilang karena mencari-cari tempat bermain piano yang disukainya.Eun Sung yang sudah putus asa, kembali bersemangat begitu bertemu denganPark Jun Se yang membantunya mencari adiknya melalui selebaran sambilberjualan Mie di pinggir jalan dan bertemu dengan neneknya Hwan yangterjatuh dan hilang ingatan karena pergi dari rumah dengan alasan merasagak dihargai lagi oleh keluarganya yang cuma memikirkan warisan.

EunSung yang kebutuhan ekonominya sedang terbebani, mengajak nenek tersebuttinggal bersamanya. Beberapa hari kemudian, Eun Sung dikagetkan dengannenek yang sudah tidak ada dirumahnya. Tiba-tiba, ada yang mengajak Eun Sungbertemu dengan seseorang yang tidak lain adalah nenek yang sedang dikhawatirkannya itu. Sang Nenek juga meminta Eun Sung untuk tinggaldirumahnya karena telah menjaganya saat hilang ingatan.

Eun Sung yangmenyetujuinya, akhirnya menyatakan keberatannya karena Hwan yangmembuatnya menunggu lama dan pernah menginjak Handphone-nya di club,ternyata adalah cucu dari si nenek.

Nenek Hwan yang tidak mau tinggaldiam, tetap memaksa Eun Sung untuk tinggal bersamanya sekaligus untukmenjadi ahli waris dari warisannya karena sang nenek tidak mau warisannyajatuh ke tangan orang-orang yang boros (Hwan, Ibu & Adiknya) sambildi iming-iming bahwa ia akan membantu mencari adik Eun Sung. Tinggalbersama orang yang di bencinya adalah sesuatu yang sulit untuk Eun Sung.Belum lagi, ada adik dan ibu Hwan yang selalu memakinya karenakedekatan gadis itu dengan Park Jun Se. Saat Nenek Hwan meminta keluarganyaberhemat dengan tidak memakai mobil dan uang yang pas-pasan, mereka cumapasrah dan menuruti kemauan sang nenek untuk bekerja.

Hwan yang bekerjadi rumah makan keluarganya (Neneknya), dengan perasaan terpaksa iamenjadi seorang pelayan yang tentunya dibantu Eun Sung membimbingnya.Hwan yang selalu jutek face dan tidak pernah menyapa tamu, mendapatkanpin dengan wajah cemberut.

Lama-kelamaan, mendengar dan melihatperjuangan Eun Sung untuk mencari adiknya dengan hidup mandiri, Hwanmulai menyukai Eun Sung secara sembunyi-sembunyi.

Ia pun mulai berbaikhati pada pelanggan dan akhirnya berhasil mendapatkan pin dengan wajahtersenyum. Karena perjuangan Hwan untuk menjadi seseorang yang baik,membuat Eun Sung pun memiliki perasaan kepada laki-laki tersebut. Jun Se yang selalu ada untuk Eun Sung,selalu dijaga perasaannya oleh Eun sung yang hanya menganggapnya sebagaiseorang kakak.

Sementara Seung Mi, ia menjadi seorang yang licik begitutahu bahwa Hwan mwnyukai Eun Sung dan mencoba memfinah Eun Sung setelahdiketahui bahwa ia adalah adik tiri dari Eun Sung. Ia memfitnah danmengatakan mengatakan pada Hwan bahwa Eun Sung meninggalkan dirinya danibunya ketika Ayahnya meninggal dan membawa semua uang asuransi dariperusahaannya.

Sayangnya Hwan lebih percaya dengan sikap Eun Sung yangselalu dilihatnya. Di tempat yang berbeda pula, ternyata AyahEun Sung tidak meninggal dan hanya di rampok oleh penjahat yang pergi ketempat karaoke yang saat itu terjadi kebakaran dan dikira meninggal.Otomatis, identitas dalam dompet yang ditemukan oleh polisi adalahidentitas milik Ayah Eun Sung. Ingin mencoba mencari Eun Sung, Ayahnyamalah bertemu dengan istrinya yang telah mengusir Eun Sung dari rumah.Karena tidak ingin Suaminya bertemu dengan anak kandungnya, Istrinyamalah berbohong dan mengatakan bahwa Eun Sung ada di Amerika.

SaatSuaminya meminta alamat email Eun Sung, istri dan anak tirinya malahmembuat email palsu dengan mengatasnamakan �Eun Sung� yang dijalani olehmereka untuk mengabarkan kabar Eun Sung yang bohong. Ayah Eun Sung yang nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd dengan Park JunSe, berhasil mempertemukannya dengan Eun Sung karena ia - Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy merupakan drama korea yang bercerita tentang perjalan hidup seseorang yang awalnya kaya raya harus hidup susah karena kejahatan ibu tirinya.

Drama yang juga disebut dengan judul "Shining Inheritance" ini memiliki jumlah episode sebanyak 28 episode. Go Eun-seong (Han Hyo Joo-) kehilangan ibunya pada saat usianya 11 tahun. Kemudian Ayahnya Go Pyung-joong (Jeon In-taek) menikah lagi dengan�Baek�Seong-hee (Kim Nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd ketika Eun-seong berusia 16 tahun Eun-seong sangat kecewa dengan keluarga barunya karena ia tidak terlalu menyukai istri baru ayahnya.

Namun kejadian tak terduga sekaligus menyedikan ketika ketika ayah Eun-seong tiba-tiba meninggal. Atas kematian ayahnya maka Eun-seong berhak mewarisi kekayaan besar dari ayahnya. Namun sumua warisan dari ayahnya itu tidak bertahan lama karena Ibu Tirinya Seong-hee merampas semua harta warisan itu.

Eun-seong pun dipaksa hidup menderita dan miskin. Namun beruntung berkat kemahirannya dalam memasak, Eun-seong bisa bekerja di perusahaan makanan milik keluarga Sunwoo. � Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 1� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 2� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 3� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 4� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 5� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 6� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 7� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 8� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 9� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 10� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 11� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 12� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 13� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 14� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 15� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 16� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 17� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 18� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 19� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 20� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 21� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 22� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 23� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 24� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 25� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 26� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 27� Sinopsis Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy Episode 28 [TAMAT]� Biodata Pemain Drama Korea Brilliant Legacy >> Update 18 September 2016- Drama Korea- � Age of Youth Episode 7� Fantastic Episode 4 Part 2- Drama India- � Anandhi Episode 301� Mohabbatein ANTV Episode 195� Naagin Season 2 SCTV Episode 44� Thapki ANTV Episode 300- Drama Turki- � Cansu & Hazal 2 ANTV Episode 88->> Update 17 September 2016- Drama Korea- � Cinderella and Four Knight Episode 11� Jealousy Incarnate Episode 8� Good Wife Episode 12 Part 1� Fantastic Episode 4 Part 1� What Happen to My Family Episode 48- Drama India- � Ashoka ANTV Episode 427� Astha dan Shlok SCTV Episode 50� Mohabbatein ANTV Episode 193� Naagin Season 2 SCTV Episode 41� Thapki ANTV Episode 290- Drama Turki- � Abad Kejayaan 2 Kosem Episode 126� Cansu & Hazal 2 ANTV Episode 87->> Update 16 September 2016- Drama Korea- � Jealousy Incarnate Episode 7� Prince of Wolf Episode 4 Part 2- Drama Jepang- � A Girl & Three Sweethearts Episode 7 Part 1- Drama India- � Anandhi Episode 298� Ashoka ANTV Episode 426� Astha dan Shlok SCTV Episode 48- Drama Turki- � Abad Kejayaan 2 Kosem Episode 123� Cansu & Hazal 2 ANTV Episode 86->> Update 15 September 2016- Drama Korea- � W - Two Worlds Episode 16 [TAMAT]� Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 7� Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Episode 9 [Preview]� Beautiful Mind Episode 14 Part 3- Drama Jepang- � Seisei Suruhodo Aishiteru Episode 6- Drama India- � Ashoka ANTV Episode 425� Astha dan Shlok SCTV Episode 45� Mohabbatein ANTV Episode 190� Naagin Season 2 SCTV Episode 38� Thapki ANTV Episode 285- Drama Turki- � Abad Kejayaan 2 Kosem Episode 121� Cansu & Hazal 2 ANTV Episode 85->> Update 14 September 2016- Drama Korea- � Moonlight Drawn by Clouds Episode 8� Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo Episode 6 Part 2� Beautiful Mind Episode 14 Part nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd What Happen to My Family Episode 47� 38 Task Force Episode 15- Drama India- � Anandhi Episode 292� Astha dan Shlok SCTV Episode 40� Gangaa SCTV Episode 404� Mohabbatein ANTV Episode 184� Naagin Season 2 SCTV Episode 35� Veera ANTV Episode 752- Drama Jepang- � Good Morning Call Episode 17 [TAMAT]- Drama TurBrilliant LegacyAlso known asShining InheritanceWritten bySo Hyun-kyungDirected byJin HyukStarringHan Hyo-jooLee Seung-giBae Soo-binMoon Chae-wonOpening theme"Only You" by Kang Ha-niCountry of originSouth KoreaOriginal language(s)KoreanNo.

of episodes28ProductionExecutive producer(s)Huh WoongRunning timeSaturdays and Sundays at 21:45 ( KST)Production company(s)Pan EntertainmentReleaseOriginal networkSeoul Broadcasting SystemOriginal releaseApril 25 ( 2009-04-25)�� July 26, 2009 ( 2009-07-26)ChronologyPreceded byFamily's HonorFollowed byStyleExternal linksWebsiteBrilliant LegacyHangul??? ??Hanja? ? ? ? ?Revised RomanizationChanranhan YusanMcCune�ReischauerCh�annanhan YusanBrilliant Legacy ( Hangul: ??? ??; RR: Chanranhan Yusan; also known as Shining Inheritance) is a 2009 South Korean television series starring Han Hyo-joo, Lee Seung-gi, Bae Soo-bin and Moon Chae-won.

[1] [2] It aired on SBS from April 25 to July 26, 2009 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:45 for 28 episodes.It was among the top-rated Korean dramas of the year; it maintained its number one spot in the viewership ratings chart for 20 consecutive weeks and reached a peak rating of 47.1% for its last episode.

[3] Contents� 1 Synopsis� 2 Cast� 2.1 Go family� 2.2 Sunwoo family� 2.3 Park family� 2.4 Extended cast� 3 Episode ratings� 4 Original soundtrack� 5 Awards and nominations� 6 International broadcast� 7 Remake� 8 References� 9 External linksSynopsis [ edit ]Go Eun-sung ( Han Hyo-joo) was studying overseas in New York and returned to Korea during her vacation to bring her autistic brother, Eun-woo ( Yeon Joon-seok), to the United States to study music.

Sunwoo Hwan ( Lee Seung-gi), who was also studying in New York, was ordered to return to Korea by his grandmother, Jang Sook-ja ( Ban Hyo-jung), to learn how to manage her food company. Eun-sung and Hwan, who were on the same flight back home, accidentally had their luggage bags exchanged, which led to several misunderstandings between the two.Go Pyung-joong (Jeon In-taek), Eun-sung's father, was struggling to save his company from going bankrupt.

One day, his wallet and valuables were stolen by a thief who subsequently died in a gas explosion accident. The police, upon finding Pyung-joong�s belongings on the thief, mistakenly identified the thief as him and a death certificate for Pyung-joong was promptly issued.

He decided to lie low and not tell his family that he was alive so that his family could claim his life insurance money and use it to clear the debts. However his second wife, Baek Sung-hee ( Kim Mi-sook), kicked her stepchildren, Eun-sung and Eun-woo, out of the house after collecting the insurance money and moved into a new home with her daughter, Yoo Seung-mi ( Moon Chae-won). Seung-mi was also Hwan's longtime best friend, hoping to be something more.Eun-sung asked for help from several of her friends, including Hyung-jin, who avoided her because she was no longer rich.

She managed to find a job at a nightclub with the help of her friend, Hye-ri. At the nightclub, Eun-sung met Hyung-jin's upperclassman, Park Joon-se ( Bae Soo-bin), who was shocked to see her working there. She also met Hwan, who caused her to lose contact with Eun-woo. Realizing that Eun-woo was missing, Eun-sung was devastated and tried searching for her brother but to no avail.

With the help of Hye-ri and Joon-se, Eun-sung rented a small room and started a small dumplings stall while continuing her search for Eun-woo.Meanwhile, Sook-ja became deeply disappointed in her grandson as Hwan had no direction in life and did not know how to cherish her company and employees. While pondering over what to do about her grandson, Sook-ja visited a neighborhood that she used to live in when she was poor and encountered Eun-sung, who was selling dumplings.

Sook-ja encountered an accident and received help from Eun-sung. Seeing that Eun-sung tried her best to take care of her even when she could not afford nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd own daily expenses, Sook-ja was touched by Eun-sung's compassion. She brought Eun-sung home, then announced to her family that Eun-sung was going to live with them and that she was going to appoint Eun-sung as the heir of her food company, if she could raise the profits of the sinking second branch by 20%.

Cast [ edit ] Go family [ edit ]� Han Hyo-joo as Go Eun-sung [4]� Jeon In-taek as Go Pyung-joong (father)� Kim Mi-sook as Baek Sung-hee (stepmother)� Moon Chae-won as Yoo Seung-mi (stepsister)� Yeon Joon-seok as Go Eun-woo (younger brother)Sunwoo family [ edit ]� Lee Seung-gi as Sunwoo Hwan [5]� Ban Hyo-jung as Jang Sook-ja (grandmother)� Yu Ji-in as Oh Young-ran (mother)� Han Ye-won as Sunwoo Jung (younger sister)� Lee Seung-hyung as Pyo Sung-chul (Father)Park family [ edit ]� Bae Soo-bin as Park Joon-se� Choi Jung-woo as Park Tae-soo (father)Extended cast [ edit ]� Min Young-won as Lee Hye-ri (Eun-sung's friend)� Jung Suk-won as Jin Young-seok (Hwan's friend)� Son Yeo-eun as Jung In-young (Eun-sung and Seung-mi's friend)Profile� Drama: Brilliant Legacy (English title) / Shining Inheritance (literal title)� Revised romanization: Chanranhan Yusan� Hangul: ??? ??� Director: Jin Hyeok� Writer: So Hyeon-Kyeong� Network: SBS� Episodes: 28� Release Date: April 25, 2009 - July 26, 2009� Runtime: Saturday & Sunday 21:45� Language: Korean� Country: South KoreaPlotEun-seong Ko ( Han Hyo-Joo) lost her mother at the age of 11.

Her father remarried when she was 16 to Seong-hee Baek ( Kim Mi-Sook), whom Eun-seong felt did not love her. She quickly grew disillusioned with her new family.

Tragedy strikes Eun-seong again when her father suddenly dies. Then, by accident, good fortune arrives on Eun-seong's doorsteps when she inherits a vast fortune, but not from her father.Woo-han Seon ( Lee Seung-Ki) is an arrogant young man, but handsome. He has no idea about the value of money as he was raised by his wealthy grandmother and mother. One day, Woo-han's grandmother drops a bomb .

she will give all of her fortune to Eun-seong Ko .CastHan Hyo-JooLee Seung-KiBae Soo-BinMoon Chae-WonKim Mi-SookKo Eun-SeongSeon Woo-HwanPark Jun-SeYu Seung-MiPaek Seong-HeeBan Hyo-JungChoi Jung-WooYoo Ji-InJeon In-TaekYeon Jun-SukJang Suk-JaPark Tae-SuOh Yeong-RanKo Pyeong-JoongKo Eun-WooLee Seung-HyeongHan Ye-WonJung Suk-WonKim Jae-SeungSon Yeo-EunPyo Seong-CheolSeon Woo-JeongJin Yeong-SeokLee Hyeong-JinJeong In-YeongMin Yeong-WonLee Hye-RiAdditional Cast Members:� Baek Seung-Hyeon - restaurant manager� Ha Dae-Ro - waiter� Kim Ho-Chang� Lee Ye-EunTrailers Htet Aug 11 2016 2:38 amOne of the best Kdrama I've ever watched.

If you love Kdrama, just give it a try. You'll love it. The songs are really good and match the scenes. Just finished a few days ago and now I want to watch it again. lol�:DHan Hyo Joo's the best. ^_^ Abdoo19 Jun 13 2016 5:01 pmthis for sure one of my top3 kdramas.

I love the story so much and I love the character of Eun Sung . Han Hyo-Joo really did a very amazing actI love the grandma too and Huwan and almost everyonethank you for this sweet addiction divya Nov 06 2015 7:50 amsuperb dramanever expected this to be that addictive each & every actor performed their best. chemistry between seung gi and han hyo joo is superb,!!!! slow buildupAs for the script 10/10 ,direction 10/10. worth every minutesometimes i feel it exceeds city hunter and master sun�:D Harry Oct 04 2015 7:28 amA nice but lengthy drama!

Completely adore both Lee Seung ji and Han Hyo Joo. Their portrayal of Hwan and Go Eun Sung was really amazing. Their chemistry was great. The drama had a good start then dragged a bit in the middle but soon caught up and ended really fine. Special mention for the Grandma character who was top notch.The story was fine. The music synced with the theme of the drama very well.They could have added more scenes like after Eun Sung comes back from US.

That would have been great. I can say this is one of the best kdramas. If you want clean and entertaining drama with the right mix of melodrama and romantic comedy elements, go for it. HopesDD Nov 30 2014 10:39 amAn amazing classic, totally love it no matter how much I watch it.

A story that looks boring but attract you and warm your heart with its smart script. Seriously, it's GOLD. love Jun 15 2014 2:12 pmI'm watching Brilliant Legacy Right now and I fall in love with Hwan again and again . SEUNG GI OPPA I LOVE YOU .my cute baby Hope your eye recovers soon and I see you smiling and healthy again my love . Thilini v. Mar 20 2014 9:46 amDoes anybody noticed that in Brilliant Legacy,from the begining on, both Hwan-Sung wore same colour and same type clothes like a true couple,I think Go Eung Sung even wore Sun Woo Hwangs own clothes few times, how romantic�:-D Thilini v Feb 22 2014 1:10 pmI lost count of how many times I've watched BL,great plot, brilliant acting,my all time fav.num.1 K drama,Seung-Joo (Hwan-Sung) is most probably nama pemeran drama brilliant legacy hd reason of my BL addiction,Seung-Joo forever!please do another project together,I'll never get tired of watching you both together! Clarkdale44 Jan 26 2014 3:02 pmWell a nice change of pace.

I liked the story and it was entertaining. Casting was superb, both Han Hyo-Joo and Lee Seung-Ki performed their best. But i feel as chemistry between two leads was somewhat weak, don't know if its only me who felt that way.

Although the story sequence was alright i felt as it was being dragged unnecessarily. Anyway in the end all worked out good. I enjoyed it.WARNING:- Don't read further if you have yet to watch this drama:-Although the story is entertaining, you will feel frustrated and angry because of such mother, yeah i am quite familiar with stepmothers in dramas who throws out the children from first marriage in such situations but what she did was beyond explanation. Throughout the entire drama i felt so annoyed by the character of Paek Seong-Hee and even her daughter Yu Seung-Mi that was i about to go crazy.

I felt as she was crazy and had some sort of men

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